

Medical Disclaimer

The information provided by the Association of Radiologic and Imaging Nursing through arinursing.org is for your general information only. It is not intended as medical advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultations with qualified health professionals. We encourage you to take information and questions back to your individual health care provider as a way of creating a dialogue and partnership about your cancer and your treatment.



Privacy Policy

ARIN collects email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers and other contact information from members and others with whom it does business. On the website, we collect aggregate and/or individual information on pages visited as well as user information provided as part of specific online activities or processes (including but not limited to: account registrations, membership applications, conference registrations, product orders, email newsletter subscriptions, contact/information requests, events, links and job submissions). Cookies will only be used as either a means of persistent authentication or to provide a mechanism to connect user data during a site visit or visits.

The information we collect is used by ARIN to: improve benefits and offerings (including the website), customize the experience of our site for each individual visitor, and/or to relay important updates regarding the association and its activities for informational or marketing purposes. If you are an ARIN member, we may also share your mailing address with other reputable organizations such as SIR or ANA for marketing purposes. If you do not want to receive email from us in the future, please let us know by Editing your User Account or by calling, emailing, or writing the National Office. We do not make phone numbers or email addresses available to any third-party sites, companies, or organizations; and we do not make non-member postal addresses available to any third-party sites, companies or organizations.


Social Media/Third Party Information

ARIN participates in a number of social media sites, including but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The terms of use on these sites govern the collection and/or disclosure of your information on these sites. Comments posted by individuals, members or volunteers on ARIN social media sites do not necessarily reflect the views of ARIN or its members and ARIN is not responsible for this content. ARIN reserves the right to edit or delete posts, comments, and photos it deems inappropriate or offensive at any time without notice. Information posted on ARIN social media sites should not be considered medical advice and should not replace a consultation with a health care professional.

In the interest of information sharing via social media sites, the ARIN website, and email broadcasts, ARIN may “like” a third party site, share content from a third party site, or take other actions such as follow, subscribe to, list, or favorite a third party site. These actions do not imply ARIN’s endorsement of the third party site’s page or material. When clicking on such links, you will leave the ARIN website and will be subject to the third party site’s terms of use. Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy and relevance of information presented on social media sites, the ARIN website, and email broadcasts at the time of publication or posting. However, constant changes in information resulting from continuing research and clinical experience, reasonable differences in opinions among health care professionals, unique aspects of individual situations, and the possibility of human error require you to exercise individual judgment when making a clinical decision. ARIN is not responsible for changes and updates made to these third party sites after posting. Third party content may also be moved to a new URL or removed from the site, and may not always be available. If you have concerns with any content shared or posted through the ARIN website please contact ARIN at info@arinursing.org


Copyright Policy

All materials posted on this site are subject to copyrights owned by the Association of Radiologic and Imaging Nursing (ARIN) and other individuals or entities. Any reproduction, retransmission, or republication (in whole or in part) of any document or information found on this site is expressly prohibited, unless otherwise agreed to by ARIN or other copyright owner and expressly granted in writing to consent to reproduce, retransmit, or republish the material. All other rights reserved.

The names, trademarks, service marks and logos of ARIN appearing on this site may not be used in any advertising or publicity, or otherwise to indicate ARIN's sponsorship of or affiliation with any product or service, without ARIN's prior express written permission. ARIN is providing information and services on the Internet as a benefit and service in furtherance of ARIN's nonprofit and tax-exempt status. ARIN makes no representations about the suitability of this information and these services for any purpose.

ARIN Strategic Partners

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