
President's Message

President's Message September 2018

Greetings! Happy Fall everyone.  Hope you are enjoying the cooler weather and staying out of the hurricane’s way.  Are you liking the new Vision Name of “Inside View”?  It’s a reflection of what we do as Imaging Nurses, viewing inside the anatomical body, providing the inside view to the care teams of our patients and giving our radiology team the “Inside View” of the complex patients in our care. Pretty astute title by one of the board members, Cathy Brown.  She hit the target, saying what we really do every day in the imaging arena. Thank you, Cathy!

It is that time of the year to nominate a nurse of the year, or to encourage a new to imaging nurse to apply for one of the awards or scholarships.  How many of you are in school and can use the extra money for school?  Please take a moment and support a fellow colleague or to inspire someone new to take part of the wonderful opportunity to receive an award. This information can be found on, or you can email me, or ARIN office staff, Bruce and Liz, for assistance.

Several board members attended Nursing Alliance Leadership Academy (NALA), which is a conference to educate volunteer board members.  This yearly conference is designed to develop volunteer boards and aspiring nursing leaders. We will discuss that later, but first I want to ask you, have you ever wondered how your volunteer leaders learn the role, how we become good stewards of ARIN’s money, or how we stay in synch with the changes that are happening in our industry? This is one way that happens. 

I would like to share a day in the conference with you. It starts with a warm welcome. Louisville extends a gracious welcome to this conference as they have done so for many years.   The lectures are in depth, usually two to four hours long, provided over two days.  No resting here, you soak up all this information, learn new ways to think and have the peer support to change or shift the way things have been done.  It is a vibrant and exciting time, learning from top educators like Bob Harris CAE from The Nonprofit Center who taught us about running a smother meeting, and how to refine your strategic plan.  He is a very inspirational and motivating speaker.  I found him to be well informed and willing to share his expertise with us.

Ms. Donna Godfrey from Godfrey Training Associates, talked about strategies for leading in a high change environment, like healthcare or imaging.  These were just two of the multitalented speakers who presented and inspired us. I took much away from her lecture, the most important was that we are the leaders of nursing organizations who are helping pave the way for each of our respective specialty.  There were about 60 nurses, and association leaders present, representing both large associations (e.g. Emergency Nurses Association) to smaller groups (e.g. American Cannabis Nurses Association) a growing specialty. We all had one mission; to become the best leaders in our respective fields.

Do you think you might like to lead along side of me,  President -elect Chris Keough, or one of the other board members? I would love to talk about the current openings for the upcoming year.  Each role has the support of the ARIN staff, and previous board members, plus the knowledge and leadership from all the past presidents and board members.  It is an exciting journey! Please say you will join me!

In closing, I extend an invitation to you, to talk with me, to explore what you would like to contribute and to help you succeed.  I enclose my email and hope you will use it soon to Connect Advance and Promote Imaging and Radiological Nursing!

Cheryl Jaglowski-Ho 
President 2018-2109

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