Greetings! I would like to take a moment of your time and point out a thing or two that is new on the ARIN website. First, there is a new APP for ARIN, which can be downloaded via your favorite App Store. It contains valuable information like the position papers or Clinical Practice guidelines. It is optimized to work on a smart phone, making it easier to reference ARIN materials when you most need it. Next up are two additional resources, the Capnography tool kit and the Position Paper on Nurse Staffing in the Intervention Suite. Both are guaranteed to make decision making easier, as you navigate these topics.
The ANA defines nursing as “Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, facilitations of healing, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations” Taken as a quote from the ARIN Position paper on Nurse staffing in the Interventional suite. ARIN Clinical Practice and Research Committee and Greg Laukhuf, ND, RN, CRN authored a position statement which rings true, as to what nurses do and how we make a difference in patient outcomes, lowering health care costs, and improving work environments. Nurses working in a non-nurse centric area, have a very important role. We provide the safety net, the global picture and drive evidence-based outcomes for patients.
The paper sets up standards of care in interventional exams. In clear and concise terms, it set up the expectation for achieving optimal outcomes for patients undergoing invasive and complex exams. The team consists of one nurse, one proceduralist and one technologist. The RN’s responsibility is to monitor the patient, to achieve the best possible outcomes for the patient.
Being mindful, that nurses also work in non-sedation areas, the goals remain similar. We strive to protect prevent and provide advocacy for the patient. The knowledge of complex exams with potential harm, help drive safe and efficient care in all settings, monitored by nurses. The presence of a nurse has helped with safety, cost awareness and drives optimal patient outcomes
Please join me in congratulating the capnography task force, and ARIN Clinical Practice and Research Committee and Greg Laukhuf, ND, RN, CRN in a job well done. Thank you for your dedication to ARIN, and our nurses and our patients.
Click here to access the Position Paper on Nurse Staffing in the Intervention Suite
Click here to access the Capnography Tool Kit
Cheryl Jaglowski-Ho, BSN, RN, CRN