practice guidelines

Practice Guidelines & Position Statements

Association for Radiologic & Imaging Nursing Position Statements 



Role of the Nurse Practitioner in Delivering Quality Care in the Radiology & Imaging Setting (Posted 3/2020)

The Association for Radiologic & Imaging Nursing (ARIN) advocates for the role of the NP in delivering high quality care in the radiology and imaging setting. NPs in the radiology and imaging environment are essential to the care of patients undergoing diagnostic and interventional procedures. The role of the NP includes clinical evaluation, intervention, management and education of patients prior, during and post imaging studies and/or procedures resulting in the delivery of high-quality care. NP scope of practice may vary based on certification, licensure and institutional policy.

Nurse Staffing in Interventional Radiology (Posted 10/2018)
It is the position of ARIN that there is consistent, reliable and competent nursing presence in procedure rooms and peri-procedure areas always. To ensure there is immediate availability of a registered nurse, one nurse per procedure room is the expectation, regardless of the sedative administered with few exceptions. When the nurse is administering procedural sedation, the nurse can have no other responsibilities apart from monitoring the patient and administering medications per order during the case.

Joint Practice Guideline for Sterile Technique during Vascular and Interventional Radiology Procedures (Posted 12/2012)
There is a need for current formal recommendations in the interventional radiology (IR) literature concerning the use of sterile technique during IR procedures. This is particularly important given the increasing incidence of antibiotic resistance, complications from nosocomial infection, cost of health care, and emphasis on quality of care. This document summarizes the findings from the available surgical and IR literature on this topic. There is, however, a general lack of published randomized controlled studies on this subject. This guideline represents a joint effort with our nursing colleagues from the Association of periOperative Room Nurses (AORN) and the Association for Radiologic and Imaging Nursing.

Use of Capnography for Patients Who Receive Moderate Sedation/Analgesia (Posted 1/2016)
ARIN endorses the routine use of capnography for all patients who receive moderate sedation/analgesia during procedures in the imaging environment.  This position is based on an extensive literature review demonstrating technical superiority and cost advantages with capnography use.


ARIN Clinical Practice Guidelines

Use of Capnography Clinical Practice Guideline

Moderate Sedation and Analgesia
Moderate Sedation and Analgesia medications are frequently administered by Imaging Nurses. Moderate Sedation and Analgesia is defined as a drug?induced depression of consciousness during which patients respond purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation.

Guidelines for Personnel Dealing with Chemotherapy/Cytotoxic Medications
Medications used in the treatment of cancer are considered hazardous to healthcare workers. The term “hazardous” describes medications that need special handling because of health risks that may result from exposure. These risks are a result of the inherent toxicities of the medications.

Extravasation of Contrast Media
Extravasation of contrast medium can occur during hand or power injection. Iodinated contrast media are toxic to surrounding tissues, particularly skin. Some patients will experience stinging or burning, but other patients will have little to no immediate discomfort.


ARIN Endorsed Documents and Initiatives

AORN Position Statement on Criminalization of Human Errors in the Perioperative Setting

AORN Position Statement on Creating a Patient Safety Culture

APIC Position Paper on Safe Injection, Infusion and Medication Vial Practices in Healthcare

ANSR 2010 Consensus Document

AACN Standards for Establishing and Sustaining Healthy Work Environments

FDA White Paper Initiative to Reduce Unnecessary Radiation Exposure from Medical Imaging

NGNA Position Statement on Mandatory Gerontological Nursing Education in all Registered Nursing Programs and Gerontological Nursing Continuing Education for all RNs in the US.


Archived Position Statements and Practice Guidelines

ARIN Strategic Partners

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  • Medtronic
  • NSO