New Resource Available at “Geriatrics and the Advanced Practice Curriculum: A Series of Web-Based Interactive Case Studies”
The "Geriatrics and the Advanced Practice Curriculum: A Series of Web-Based Interactive Case Studies" was developed to provide a "user-friendly" way for faculty to integrate essential geriatric nursing content into non-gerontological nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist programs. However, practicing NPs or CNSs may also find them useful as a means for updating or adding to their "geriatric" knowledge base.
Using a problem-oriented approach, cases focus on common health problems of the older adult. The cases are designed so that the "patient" may be followed over a period of time. Differences in presentation, management, outcomes, and other relevant aspects of the older adult are emphasized. A tutorial format is utilized to allow for active participation by the users. Users must provide an answer to each question before they can continue to the next section of the case. The correct answers for each question and their rationales are provided immediately after the user responses.
The case studies were developed by expert geriatric faculty with the support and guidance of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the New York University College of Nursing Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing ( The rigorous process used to develop the case studies involved advanced practice nurses and faculty from around the country. Each case study clearly shows how content addresses the geriatric competencies in the AACN document Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Nurse Specialist Competences for Older Adult Care (2004; see The Series Editor is Carolyn Auerhahn, EdD, APRN, BC. NP-C, New York University College of Nursing. The case studies can be accessed on the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing home page at